
The objective of Work Package 6 is on a) the high-level control and optimization of the flexible material manipulation operations and b) the deployment of tools for the digital representation of the deformable object(s) in addition to the complete shopfloor, by using information from all the available sub-modules of the project.

  1. Workcell Digital Representation (WDR): LMS, in collaboration with CASP, have worked on the implementation of the production system’s digital representation that can be used either a) prior to the robot system installation or b) it can be twined with it for applying real time planning and control modules.
  2. Simulator for Ply Manipulation (SPM): This package, designed and developed by LMS, implements a set of tools, allowing a) real-time modelling and simulation of deformable objects, b) planning of handling agents actions towards collision free and minimal-tension co-manipulation. A mass-spring model is used for simulating the deformation of the fabric (based on its mechanical properties and external handling actions), whereas the model-based planner is able to orchestrate handling operations of single or dual arm robots according to the operator’s actions.
  3. Workcell Controller (WC): LMS, in close collaboration with CASP, has also developed a management, control and regulation controller for the orchestration, monitoring and handling of errors occurring during flexible material related manufacturing processes. Being built upon actor model abstraction, it also enables scalability and parallel execution. An intuitive graphic user interface is integrated for supporting offline scheduling and online process monitoring even from novice users.

Prototype releases of all these modules have been implemented and proved in laboratory experiments. The SPM supports co-manipulation for translational and rotational movements, while a hybrid planning strategy is also verified. The Workcell controller’s orchestration and monitoring mechanisms are completed where focus is given on its error handling algorithms and the enhancement of its user interface. Future work involves the deployment of the Workcell Controller on the MERGING industrial use-cases, whereas SPM will mostly focus on the VDL use-case for the co-manipulation of fiberglass plies.