WP2 is the work package that sets the framework for the developments that are being carried out at WP3-6 in terms of use case definition, functional and technical specifications and reference architecture. Specifically:

  • In the context of Task 2.1 (led by VDL), the 3 use cases were described along with their functional specifications. VDL, THIMONNIER and SELMARK supported primarily by LMS, CEA and AIMEN contributed in describing in detail each use case. The way the end users carry out the flexible material handling currently (in terms of workshop, manufacturing process and personnel) was presented, while the MERGING approach was defined for the 3 use cases. The results of Task 2.1 were documented in deliverable D2.1 (led by VDL)
  • IPC led the definition of evaluation criteria for the robotic manipulation cell for each technical work package for task 2.2. Measurable technical performance metrics were also defined by the technical partners for each robotic building block allowing tracking technology maturity along the project. The results of Task 2.2 were documented in deliverable D2.2 (led by IPC)
  • The functional specifications from Task2.1 were translated into technical ones in task 2.3. OPTEAMUM, with the support of all the technical partners, contributed in making a detailed review of the state-of-the-art technologies and gather the existing shortcomings and limitations for each individual technology. Furthermore, an iterative selection of suitable solutions was made based on: (i) functional specifications (task 2.1), (ii) Current SOTA for each WP technology, (iii) technical background of all partners and (iv) field experience of end-users partners.
  • Finally, the hardware and software architectures were defined by OPTEAMUM and CASP respectively. The work carried out in this task was supported by the leaders and technology providers of the WPs 3-6 (EPFL, SHADOW, LMS, AIMEN and CEA), and the outcomes were validated by the 3 end-users. All the included modules, subsystems and their interoperable connections, as well as the high-level workflow that indicates how the integrated handling system will function, were defined. The results of Task 2.3 and 2.4 were documented in deliverable D2.3 (led by OPTEAMUM)